Our Firm performs services in the below fields of expertise:
Taxes and tax succession
For high quality of our Firm’s services speak the group of our clients among which there are the below dynamically developing entities:
Taxes and tax succession
- Food law
- International transport of products (CMR, ADR)
- Producers’ groups
- Companies (mergers and acquisitions)
- Competition law
- Criminal and fiscal proceedings
- Administrative proceedings
- Commercial contracts
- Investment procedures and construction law
- Real estate
- Public procurement
- Legal regulations pertaining production co-ops
- Court proceedings and arbitration
- Industrial property law and copyright
- Environmental protection
- Labor law
- Associations and funds
- Bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings
- Procedures on unauthorized payment transactions
- COVID-19 protective and preventive programs support
For high quality of our Firm’s services speak the group of our clients among which there are the below dynamically developing entities:
- Area of investments – OPG Property Group
- Food industry – Łódzka Spółdzielnia Mleczarska JOGO (Dairy Co-op of Łódź), Grupa Producentów Rolnych SUFLIDOWO (Group of Agricultural Producers)
- Textiles and Clothing – SONIA, ALBIONE Italy
- Constructions – AGAT S. A.